Points redemption failure may occur for the following reasons:
1. You do not have enough points. It is recommended that you check whether the amount redeemed is correct;
2. There is a system error. Please upload the screenshot voucher and problem description on the "Points Management - Exception Handling" page, and Truwaybio will handle it for you as soon as possible.
Our service concept is: become your own R&D laboratory through flexible and cost-effective services.
Through our flexible business terms, timely information communication, and efficient scientific discussions, you can obtain as much information as possible for each study, thereby maximizing the value of the study.
We understand that data quality is critical to your decision-making. We refer to the GLP quality management system and have passed ISO certification. If you are not satisfied with the quality of the study, we promise to help you repeat it for free or waive the fee.
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Email: BD@truwaybio.com
Business: +86 185-0139-0702
Technology: +86 137-7300-5709
Website Usage Help: +86 188-6238-7270
Landline: +86 0512-80601059